Joshua E57

Japan startup Ecosystem in 2023 with Joshua Flannery

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In this episode of the Scaling Japan Podcast⁠⁠, we are delighted to have Joshua Flannery, the CEO of Innovation Dojo. If you are a foreigner based in Japan in the startup world, you will have come across Joshua several or many times. He is very active in helping startups enter the Japanese market and governments and universities with their startup and innovation programs. He knows about the Japan ecosystem even more than I do and I look forward to learning from him about the Japan startup scene.

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Links from Guest Appearance

Additional Resource

  • We recently released a Japan Market Entry E-book. Grab your copy of the Here!

Show Notes

(3:06) About incubators

(7:57) About accelerators

(20:19) Start up cities

(30:31) Overseas university’s innovation/R&D/startup department and entering the Japanese market

Coaching with Tyson

Looking to take your business to the next level?

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