Top 10 Japanese Business YouTube Channels

You are running a business in Japan. You have listened to all the episodes of Disrupting Japan and you are looking for more information from quality entrepreneurs on how to scale your business in Japan. There are some gems in the other podcasts in Japan done by foreigners and Japanese, but for those who can understand Japanese. You have access to some good content on these 10 Japanese Business YouTube channels.

Japanese Business Tactics

加納聖士 YouTube Channel : Expanding your number of shops

What can you learn from this channel?

This is my go to YouTube channel for learning more about developing multiple stores and shops. The gentleman who runs this channel helps businesses scale not only the amount of shops they have, but also the mindset and processes needed to manage a higher level of complexity.

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • Business owners with one or more successful shops or restaurants and wants to expand even more.

This channel is recommended to anyone who has one to three locations who wants to expand to 10 or ever more. The only downside about his channel is the volume is too soft from time to time and you may need to turn up the volume. This content is not for beginners and not for anyone just starting out to setup their business in Japan.

The channel content is also quite technical and sometimes boring. I recommend watching these when you are feeling refreshed and can take notes on the tactics he shares.

竹之内社長の【非常識な成功法則】 YouTube Channel

What can you learn from this channel?

Takenouchi san is well-known among Japanese entrepreneurs for creating a business called Rirakuru, which provide 2980 massages and has over 600 shops around Japan. He is a master of creating processes and businesses with solid fundamentals. He is my go to guy for listening to how to be even more cost effective with my thinking of business operations and marketing. He learned how to reduce a lot of unnecessary in between work to create a cost effective and super cheap massage service business that kept employees longer than competitors.

The only downside to his channel is that his content is repetitive and not neatly organized like Kanou san above. His content is created for both new entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs alike. This channel is also great for those wanting to get into business but do not know what type of business idea to pursue.

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • New entrepreneurs and wantrapreneurs
  • Even established entrepreneurs in Japan can learn from this channel

マーケティング大学 by桜井茶人 YouTube Channel : Marketing Knowledge

What can you learn from this channel?

There are a lot of amazing marketing videos on Tik Tok and YouTube in English. There is a free video out there for whatever topic you want. However, what if your target customer audience is Japanese. You will need to use the same basic knowledge, but reposition it for a different audience. You will also need difference references, because focus points and design styles are different.

This channel goes over many of the marketing tactics you would learn in English, but created by a Japanese marketer for Japanese marketers. This videos go quite in-depth as well.

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • Beginner level marketers

Anyone who already has a beginner knowledge of marketing but wants to further refine their tactics while learning Japanese at the same time. Intermediate level marketers have enough of a foundation to do marketing research without his tips in my opinion.

社長の資産防衛チャンネル【税理士&経営者】 YouTube Channel : Tax & Accounting Knowledge

What can you learn from this channel?

This channel has a lot of useful information for established entrepreneurs who have a corporate entity. They focus on how to reduce your corporate expenses, your income taxes, and what types of expenses you can claim and how to do it. There is also some information on subsidies business can receive. 

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • Someone who already has a corporate entity.
  • This is not recommended for new entrepreneurs.

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Business Wisdom


What can you learn from this channel?

This is the hardest channel to categorize because the YouTube king of business and self-growth has hundreds and maybe nearing thousands of videos on book summaries, stories and lesson from both successful Japanese and western entrepreneurs and thinkers, and make dull topics like accounting and other subjects easy to understand with his super energy and amazing metaphors and analogies.

His explanation of the financial balance sheet using dating partner references was the most genius way to explain the topic. I do not recall any westerner explaining the balance sheet, profit and loss sheet, and income statement in such a clear way that I can relate to.

Who should watch this channel?

  • Anyone who wants motivation to start their own business
  • Anyone who wants to listen to all the thinkers and thought leaders from the West in Japanese.

People who are interested in becoming an entrepreneur or in self-growth and development. He used to be one of the top comedians in Japan and was one of my favorite comedians before he transitioned to becoming a growth and development YouTuber. For foreigners like me who listen to videos on growth, knowledge, society, and business, he is your go to person for listening to the same topics but in Japanese. He does 30 minute – 60 minute video summaries on popular western and Japanese non-fiction titles like the biography of Steve Jobs, Factfulness, Sapiens, and more.

成功への道 YouTube Channel

What can you learn from this channel?

This is my go to YouTube channel for listening to some quick sounds bite of wisdom from successful Japanese people. You can hear sound bytes from famous people like Ichiro Suzuki, Beat Takashi, and Keisuke Honda from the sports and entertainment world. You can also listen to hard earned wisdom from people like Son san from Softbank and Matsushita san who founded Panasonic.

Globis University : YouTube Channel

What can you learn from this channel?

For those new to Japan, Globis University is not your typical university and mainly focuses on their international and Japanese MBA programs. This channels features lectures in Japanese from their professors and special guests. They have some really successful Japanese business men and women giving lectures and should be a place you check for higher level business management skills

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • Mid-level managers in a company.
  • Entrepreneurs who make more than 6 figures of revenue yearly.

Japanese Business Insights into Trending Topics

Scaling Your Company YouTube Channel

What can you learn from this channel?

Scaling Your Company provides businesses with the information they need to double in size year over year. A good chunk of our content is related to being an entrepreneur in Japan, but a lot of the information applies to other countries as well.

We cover topics like marketing, accounting, sales, operations, HR and management, financing, and investment and more. We are also the home of the Scaling Japan Podcast and we will feature unique clips from our collection of interviews with entrepreneurs and experts who have scaled a business in Japan.

Creating a business in Japan is tough and I wanted to provide the insights necessary to help guide you on your journey to growing your company in Japan. Scaling a company is tough but can be done if you get the right advice to help you save time and money on trial and error.

Who is the target audience for this channel?

  • Anyone who wants to understand startups trends.
  • Anyone who wants an expert’s viewpoint on business and economics.

News picks YouTube Channel

What can you learn from this channel?

The Japanese podcast world is lacking for high quality and variety podcast series. Luckily, the Japanese YouTube business world is more robust and vibrant. The company news pick is known by literally every mid 20s and 30s Japanese entrepreneurs. They are known for their 1 – 2 hour discussion programs on both social and business issues. This is a good channel to hear about trending topics and topics that will soon be trending in the next 6 – 12 months.

I was an avid listener until they started cutting the clips from 60 > 30 minutes, trying to get you to their paid monthly subscription service. I am personally more of tactics type of business person, so it does not have paid value to me, but it did serve as a good Japanese listening practice. Listening to Horiemon and Ochiai san every six months often provides me new lenses to view the Japanese social and business landscape.


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