Scaling a podcast in Japan by Tyson Batino

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Welcome to the 76th episode of the Scaling Japan podcast. In this episode, Tyson solo answered his LinkedIn audiences’s thought-provoking questions.

In this episode, Tyson shared tips for starting & scaling a podcast and he covered insightful topics like the Personal & Professional impact of doing a Podcast, Distribution platforms & SEO in Japan, and Co-hosting & Remote podcasting. Join us as Tyson discloses his strategies for Scaling a successful podcast.

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Show Notes

00:20 Starting a podcast in Japan intro
01:11 Personal & Professional impact of doing a Podcast
04:12 How has it helped the people you’ve interviewed
05:09 Impact on broader system of audience
08:33 Approaches on solving Listener’s feedback
12:55 Distribution platforms & SEO in Japan
18:42 Marketing growth for podcasts
24:43 Tools used
31:48 Practicing & Rehearsing
33:32 Recording equipment
35:34 Preparing recording environment
36:02 Choosing guests
40:47 Mistakes made as a host
41:37 How to prevent those mistakes
44:33 Co-hosting & Remote podcasting

Coaching with Tyson

Looking to take your business to the next level?

Let our host Tyson Batino help you scale your business from $100,000 to $10,000,000 dollars with his coaching and advisory services. Visit here to learn how he can help.

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