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Using Channel Partners in Japan with John Kirch

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In this episode of the Scaling Japan Podcast, we are excited to welcome back John Kirch. With 30 years of experience, John is the head of beqom Japan, a total compensation management software solution focused on managing compensation and performance for HR, finance, and sales. Following the same theme of market entry from his previous episode, today, John will be explaining how to enter the Japan market using channel partners. He delves into the full process, from how to find the right channel partner to how to successfully manage them. This episode is a part of our comprehensive guide to sales in Japan.

Want to learn more about business scaling in Japan? Subscribe here for LinkedIn newsletter updates on future episodes!

You can also visit Nihonium for more on Partners resellers and distributors in Japan.

Links from Guest Appearance

  • Reach out to John Kirch on his LinkedIn
  • Be sure to check out beqom if you’re interested in improving your business strategies

Link to Additional Resources

Show Notes

(1:27) John Kirch’s self introduction

(5:51) Channel partners explained

(9:09) Why people use channel partners

(12:30) Differences between reseller vs distributor

(14:01) How much should you pay channel partners

(16:20) What happens if annual targets aren’t met

(17:29) Consultancy firms

(18:59) How to find a channel partner

(23:29) How to evaluate a channel partner

(30:15) How to succesfully onboard a channel partner

(36:18) How to manage a channel partner

(43:37) How to get validation in Japan

(45:51) Payment cycle explained

(46:42) When to get a channel partner

Reachext and EJable

Reachext is a fast growing recruitment firm in Japan. They work with both employers and candidates, allowing companies to hire skilled professional and candidates to achieve their dream careers.

Looking for bilingual jobs in Japan or Japanese speaking positions worldwide? EJable is a job board full of in-depth information and useful resources to help you find great opportunities.  

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