
System integrators in Japan with Younes Hairej

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In this episode of the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Scaling Japan Podcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, we have Younes Hairej, founder and CEO at Aokumo, which helps medium to large corporations simplify their cloud operations through their platform. We will dive into the important topic of system integrators or SIers in Japan, which is a key component to any long-term expansion in Japan for software companies.

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Additional Resource

  • We recently released a Japan Market Entry E-book. Grab your copy of the Here!

Show Notes

(3:00) What does a Japanese system integrator do?

(5:40) How Significant are system integrators in Japan?

(9:38) What type of companies do system integrators help?

(10:26) How did system integrators come about in Japan?

(12:17) Benefits to using system integrators

(13:48) Downsides to using system integrators

(19:33) How does system integrators impact startups?

(22:22) How to select to right system integrator for your company?

(25:17) Famous system integrators in Japan

(27:42) How to actually find system integrators

(28:45) Getting system integrators as partners as a foreign company

(30:50) Do you need Japanese to work with system integrators?

(34:10) How to get that meeting with a system integrator in Japan?

(39:06) Why are system integrators important for your long-term expansion strategy?

(43:58) Who is Aokumo and what do they do?

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