Paid Advertising in Japan with Milosz Bugajski from Humble Bunny

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Welcome to another episode of the Scaling Japan Podcast. In this episode, we welcome Milosz Bugajski, a partner and advertising lead at Humble Bunny, a Tokyo-based digital marketing agency renowned for its enterprise-level performance marketing services tailored to ambitious brands. The company excels in web design, coding, SEO, pay-per-click ads, and other services aimed at optimizing website and digital presence to drive growth in Japan. Join us as Milosz dives into paid advertising in Japan, exploring how it works, why it matters, and sharing effective advertising strategies, along with other insightful topics.

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Additional Resource

  • We recently released a Japan Market Entry E-book. Grab your copy of the Here!

Show Notes

00:00 : Introduction
2:51 Paid Online Ads: How They Work and Importance
6:45 What Would Be a High Quality Ad?
9:36 How Can an Agency Help Someone with Paid Ads?
13:33 Unique Characteristics of Japanese Online Advertising Market
18:52 Line Advertising in Japan
20:52 Good Target Market for Line Ads
21:54 First Steps in Starting Online Advertising
25:42 Cultural Nuances that Impacted an Ad Campaign
28:19 Common Mistakes that Foreign Businesses Make in Online Japanese Advertising
32:25 Differences Between Hiring A Specialist or Freelancer vs Agency
37:35 Strategies for Scaling Up Advertising
39:52 Good Return on Ad Spend
40:50 Trends in Japanese Online Advertising
44:28 About the Guest
45:09 Ideal Client
45:37 Brands the Company is Working With

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